
What is Ink’d Arch?

What is Ink’d Arch?

Ink’d Arch is a licensed, certified and insured cosmetic tattoo studio that specializes in customized permanent cosmetic treatments and saline lightening treatments. Please refer to the ‘Services & Pricing’ page for more information and full details on all treatments offered.

Dana McAndrew

Artist & Founder

Hello! I’m Dana McAndrew, the artist and founder of Ink’d Arch, a licensed cosmetic tattoo studio in Bayville, New Jersey. I’m an AAM board-certified permanent cosmetic artist specializing in customized brow treatments, lip blushing, lash line enhancement, and saline lightening.

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You are NOT a suitable candidate for permanent cosmetics if you currently have/are...

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Skin Irritations or Psoriasis near the area to be treated (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • History of, or are prone to keloids, hypertrophic scarring and/or post-inflammatory hypo-pigmentation
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure
  • Poor general health
  • Used Accutane, oral tretinoin or isotretinoinin the past year
  • Are currently using topical tretinoin, retinol/retinoids or any active ingredients on/around the area to be treated
  • Are currently taking Spironolactone or a similar medication
  • Had Botox or fillers injected in the area to be treated within the last month
  • Allergic reactions to metals, hair dyes and/or topical makeup products
  • Excessively oily skin
  • Are not able lay flat and/or still for an extended period of time
Lash Line Enhancement Only:
  • Thinning of the eyelid skin and/or the surrounding skin
  • Visible veins and/or capillaries on the eyelid
  • Currently using lash growth/enhancing serum 
  • Currently wearing lash extensions and/or false lashes
Lip Blushing Only:
  • Hyperpigmentation on the lips
  • Dry, chapped and/or peeling lips
  • Had lip filler injected within the last 6 weeks
  • Not currently prescribed or are unable to obtain a prescription for an anti-viral medication if you are prone to cold sores (even if you’ve only had just one outbreak, even if it was only once as a child)

You MUST obtain proper medical clearance (on doctors Rx pad) if you currently or previously have/are...

  • Undergone chemotherapy and/or radiation
  • Insulin dependent diabetic
  • Hepatitis A, B, C
  • Autoimmune disorder
  • Heart disease, heart attack and/or heart condition
  • Valve replacement, valve implants, mitral valve prolapse
  • Pacemaker, stents, joint replacement, titanium rods or screws
  • Antibiotic therapy prior to dental procedures
  • Any illness, treatment/medication that compromises the immune system and healing
  • Organ transplant
  • Glaucoma or any other eye disease, disorder or trauma
  • Pre-existing nerve damage on the area to be treated
  • Epilepsy, seizures and/or fainting spells
  • Hemophilia or clotting disorder
For all treatments…
  • Do not have any type of chemical peel, microdermabrasion or laser treatment 6 months prior to the treatment. The skin needs time to properly and fully heal.
  • Do not have Botox and/or filler 4 weeks prior to the treatment. If Botox and/or fillers have been injected, allow it to fully settle before having any treatment. Uneven settling will cause uneven healed results.
  • Do not use any products that contain active ingredients: retinol/retinoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, hydroquinone, AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acid; also known as glycol or lactic acids) or BHA’s (beta hydroxy acid; also known as salicylic acid) for at least 4 weeks prior to the treatment. The change in the skin from these active ingredients can cause complications that affect the treatment and the healed results. 
  • Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to the treatment. The area will peel quicker due to chemicals traveling under the skin.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure and/or tanning 2 weeks prior to the treatment. This will cause sensitivity, as well as alter the tone for natural pigment matching.

  • Do not take any prescription, OTC or natural blood thinners unless medically necessary (proper clearance is required) 48 hours before or immediately after your treatment. This includes but is not limited to: Advil, ibuprofen, aspirin, niacin, Aleve, Bufferin, Excedrin, Motrin, vitamin E, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper or fish oil.
  • Do not drink alcohol for at least 48 hours before your treatment.
  • Do not drink caffeine at least 24 hours before your treatment. 
  • Do not exercise or work out on the day of your appointment.
Any of the above will cause excessive bleeding, which will affect pigment retention during and after the treatment.

Additional pre-care for specific treatments…

  • Do not pluck, tweeze, wax, tint, thread or perform electrolysis 2 weeks before the treatment. Your brows will be shaped during the time of the appointment.
Lash Line Enhancement
  • Discontinue the use of any lash growth serum at least 4 weeks prior to a lash line enhancement treatment.
  • Lash extensions and/or false lashes MUST be removed prior to the appointment. With extensions, its recommended to have them removed at least 1 week prior to the appointment to give the skin proper time to recover from the removal product.
Lip Blushing
  • If you are prone to cold sores (even if just once as a child), anti-viral medication should be taken daily leading up to the appointment, on the day of and continued after the treatment. Your doctor should recommend the proper dosage based on the medication type and milligrams prescribed for you.
  • Lip skin MUST be in working condition in order to apply a lip blush. Keep the lips moisturized/conditioned for at least 2 weeks prior to the treatment. It is advised to use a natural sugar scrub for light exfoliation for 1 week prior to the treatment.
  • Do not use and long stay lip wear products for 2 weeks prior to the treatment. These products tend to dry out the lip skin.
  • Be sure to drink plenty of water!
Depending on the desired application(s), the initial appointment takes approximately 3 hours. Which includes full consultation, facial mapping and measuring, desired shape and pigment selection, application of permanent cosmetic, aftercare and booking of perfecting touch up session. The perfecting session takes approximately 1-2 hours, depending on the outcome of the healing process.

Refresh sessions are approximately 2-3 hours depending on retention and what is needed to fully refresh the pigmented area.

**Please note... The duration of each session is listed with the service when booking. If you are unable to attend for the full appointment time, the service will not be completed and cannot be rescheduled for another day to do so. Please be sure to schedule accordingly.
After the treatment, the pigmented area will go through several phases of the healing process. Essentially, we are creating tiny wounds that need to properly heal.

Initially, it is natural to have slight redness and possible swelling. The skin will begin to calm down anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Immediately after the treatment, the pigment will appear sharp and dark/bright. The pigment begins to oxidize the moment it is implanted, which causes it to become darker. It will continue to get darker over the next few days as you begin to heal. Don’t panic, this is not the color it will stay.

Once the area begins to scab and flake, do NOT rub, pick or scratch. Let any scabbing/peeling/flaking or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring, loss of color and possibly infection. It is completely normal for them to appear patchy and uneven during this time.

Once all of the scabbing has naturally exfoliated away, they will begin to lighten. It may appear as if the color has come off with the scabbing, but it has not so please do not panic. Over the remainder of the healing process the color will begin to return. Once the surface area has fully healed, you can fill in any uneven spots with makeup. The color will eventually be 20-60% lighter when healed, depending on the specific treatment type and on how your skin retains the pigment. Some areas will disappear and reappear in the following weeks. This is all completely normal and will be addressed during the touch up session.

Always follow your aftercare instructions and trust the process… ❤️
The 7-14 days following the particular treatment require a strict aftercare regimen that must be followed for the pigmented area to properly heal and for maximum pigment retention.

  • Avoid any moisture or water on the treated area. The only water on the area should be while properly cleansing.
  • Avoid topical makeup and sunscreen on the treated area.
  • Avoid sweating. Do not work out or exercise.
  • Avoid any swimming, hot tubs and/or steam of any kind.
  • Avoid direct and excessive sun exposure and/or tanning for 4 weeks following the treatment.
  • No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks following the treatment. 
Detailed information and specific instructions for the treatment type will be given to you and thoroughly discussed during your appointment.

Please be sure to be aware of any prior scheduling conflicts within those first 7-14 days and 4 weeks following the treatment when scheduling your appointment (i.e. special events, vacations, holidays, etc.).
After the initial appointment, strict aftercare MUST be followed for the first 7-14 days depending on the particular treatment. Detailed information and instructions will be given to you and thoroughly discussed during your appointment. After the first 7-14 days, your are able to resume most normal activity (getting the area wet in the shower, working out and exercising, wearing makeup, etc.) while the area continues to heal over the following weeks. Depending on the particular treatment, the treated area should be fully healed in approximately 6-12 weeks from the day of treatment.

In most cases, a permanent cosmetic treatment is completed in two visits, with approximately 6-12 weeks between each visit to give the skin the proper time to fully heal. Therefore, the full results from both sessions will be seen in approximately 12-24 weeks from the date of the initial session.
  • After the treated area is fully healed you can continue with most normal skincare routines. Use a mild cleanser and moisturizer on the area daily. Avoid the use of any exfoliants or products containing active ingredients: retinol/retinoids, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, hydroquinone, AHA’s (alpha hydroxy acid; also known as glycol or lactic acids) and/or BHA’s (beta hydroxy acid; also known as salicylic acid) on or around the pigmented area. Also avoid using any peels or "brightening" products, as these ingredients will prematurely fade and/or discolor the pigment.
  • Always use sunblock to protect the area from direct and excessive sun exposure.
  • For Brows… Avoid applying face makeup (foundation, concealer, tinted moisturizer, powder, bronzer, etc.) over the pigmented area. This will act as another layer of skin over the pigment and cause the color to appear light, dull and possibly ashy. Makeup is used to cover, correct and alter color and it will do just that to the pigment.
  • For Brows… You can wax or tweeze around your new shape and continue your regular maintenance after the full 4 week healing process.
With all permanent cosmetic treatments… skin type, general health, immune system, lifestyle, skincare, sun protection and time are the factors that determine how long the pigment will last in the skin. These factors all vary greatly for each individual, therefore, the retention rate will vary just as greatly. On average, permanent cosmetic pigment should last approximately 1-3 years. Some skin types and pigment colors may require more frequent touch ups than others.
With all permanent cosmetic treatments, the pigment needs to be at least 50% faded in order to implant additional pigment into the skin. Over-saturating the skin can cause discoloration and/or migration of the pigment, as well as scarring. Our goal is to maintain a soft, natural appearance and to always keep the skin in the best condition possible, now and in years to come.

Please Note…
With microblading, to maintain the hair stroke appearance, the pigment needs to be at least 75% faded in order to implant additional pigment into the skin. Without having a good amount of pigment faded, the area will become over-saturated and cause the strokes to blur together, essentially creating an “accidental” powder brow. Over-saturation can also cause the pigment to migrate and change the shape of the brow. Ideally, you want the brows almost completely faded and back to natural before covering the entire brow with more pigment. This is the best way to keep the hair stroke appearance of microblading.
Microblading is best suited for those with naturally full brows and dry to normal skin types. This technique adds definition to the existing shape with visible skin between each hair stroke. Therefore, it does not eliminate the need to fill the brows in if you’re used to seeing them with brow pencil or powder.

Powder is the most suitable for all amounts of natural brow hair and most skin types. From full natural brows to little or no brow hair, sparse, patchy or uneven brows. This technique leaves a soft silhouette of color in the skin that creates a natural day-to-day look that can quickly and easily be topped with brow pencil or powder to create a more dramatic or makeup filled look. With powder we’re able to create more symmetry and balance, blend gaps or sparse areas, add more fullness to produce more even look.

Combination is a mixture of microbladed hair strokes and powder shading that is suitable for most skin types depending on the amount and placement of the hair strokes (the strokes should only be placed within natural hair to produce the most natural results). There are different variations of the combination brow that are used depending on the amount of natural brow hair and the desired result. The most common being hair strokes at the front, blended into shading throughout the rest of the brow.

**Please note…. Every person has a different skin type, underlying condition(s), lifestyle, daily routine, etc. that is unique to them and their outcome. With all treatments, each individual guest will heal differently and produce different results.
Lip blush is meant to give your lips a natural wash of color. Imagine how your lips look with tinted lip balm or a lip tint, this is the effect lip blush is meant create. If you are looking for a more opaque look, that’s possible as well. The results of lip blushing vary from natural to more bold depending on your personal preference.
If your brows were done by another artist and you would like to have them done at Ink’d Arch, you would need to schedule an initial session. All first time Ink'd Arch guests are considered initial sessions.

This is because there is much more work involved when there is unknown existing pigment in the skin. Multiple factors come into play when the area has already been treated. There are different techniques, pigments, patterns, blades and needles that each individual artist customizes for every guest. All of these factors fade out differently over time and cannot be visually determined, as each persons skin reacts differently. You cannot know the starting point by looking at the ending.

Microblading is the most superficial of all the brow treatments and is not recommended to correct or cover old work. In some cases, if the pigment is faded enough, it may be possible to select a treatment that will cover and correct. If they existing pigment is too dense or saturated, removal will be needed.

If you have previous work and would like to have your brows done, you must send clear photos or schedule a separate consultation prior to the initial session to determine if they can be worked on.

Please note… in some cases there may be additional correction fees depending on each individual case.
Yes, there is a cancellation list for scheduled guests to possibly get an earlier date if one becomes available. When scheduling, just ask to be added to the list in the booking notes section. If you are only available on certain days or times, please add that in the notes as well. There is not a cancellation list for those who are not already on the schedule.
You do NOT shave off your eyebrows before microblading. Facial measuring and mapping is determined by your bone structure, face shape and existing brow hair. Once the desired shape is drawn out and approved, the technique is applied in and around the existing brow hair. Any stray hairs outside of that shape are cleaned up during the session, as you would with routine waxing or tweezing.
To ensure you are as comfortable as possible during the treatment, please be sure to follow all pre-appointment instructions as closely as possible. A topical anesthetic cream is used prior to, and during the treatment. Some clients experience mild discomfort, while others report no discomfort at all.

**Ladies, avoid booking during your menstrual cycle, as it can increase your pain.
All proper precautions for a safe session are taken by using sterilized and one time use disposable equipment and needles in a sanitized environment. Should clients follow the pre-care and after-care instructions properly, there should be minimal risks or complications. Although allergic reactions to the pigments are rare, it could be possible for certain individuals. A pigment patch test is always suggested for individuals who have high skin sensitivities or are sensitive to:

  • Topical makeup products
  • Gold, silver and nickel
  • Hair dyes

Patch tests should be performed at least 2 weeks prior.
At Ink’d Arch, we utilize multiple pigment lines for different guests with varying needs. The lines have been developed by the industry's leading experts in color theory, and are always among the top pigments. All the lines contain the highest quality colorants available, ensuring excellent color retention and optimal results. They all consist of a sterile water-based formula that is beneficial for those with sensitive skin. All formulas are gamma-sterilized, non-toxic, vegan and cruelty free.
Cosmetic tattooing pigments are divided into two categories: Organic and Inorganic. Because we are all familiar with the term organic, many might gravitate toward this option feeling it is superior or better. Organic products are often portrayed as more natural, better for you, or derived from the earth. The word "organic" actually means something very different in chemistry than it does when talking about produce or food. In modern pigment chemistry it is actually the opposite.

Historically, organic pigments were from living sources that contained the carbon atom such as plants, and inorganic pigments were mined minerals and clays. In earlier days, there were often great inconsistencies in color from batch to batch. By the mid 20th century, international standards were created for pigments and technology evolved to better extract and refine color. Modern pigment science and development has dramatically advanced and improved. Much of what it used today is synthesized or synthetically altered through chemical engineering and manufacturing to create the most stable and highest performing pigments. These pigments are much more appropriate for tattooing with many heavy metal and impurities removed to minimize the risk of allergic reaction. Inorganic pigment properties have several advantages when used in permanent cosmetics:

  • Colors are considered more dull and earthy (organic are more bright and vibrant) which makes them more appropriate when used as colors on the face. Few clients want bright and vibrant brows!
  • Opacity is high, which means coverage will be higher (vs. organic with very low opacity, making it more of a 'stain' than true color).
  • Particle size is usually large. This is important to avoid pooling or migration of the pigment molecules. Migration is when pigment seems to blur or spread beneath the skin outside of the intended design. This can occur from using improper technique, but the risk is much higher when using organic pigments.
  • Migration risk is low (vs. organic which has high risk).
  • Allergy risk is very low (organic has higher potential risk).
  • High lightfastness. Light can breakdown or change the chemical bonds of the pigment causing the color to fade or alter. Inorganic pigments resist this affect making them generally have high lightfastness.

Organic pigments are by definition based on carbon and hydrogen and are created through complex carbon chemistry, whereas inorganic pigments are synthesized through basic reactions (and technically the more 'natural' of the two).

All colorants used for PMU and Body Tattooing—including both organics and inorganics—are synthetic. They are synthetically reproduced in a lab. ALL pigments today are synthetic…even organics.
Permanent cosmetic treatments are typically safe with MRI's. However, there can still be risks. Any client with permanent cosmetics should always make the technician aware of the fact before the MRI begins. In rare cases, the microscopic metals in pigments may react in the skin causing a tingling or warming sensation to the patient. In very rare cases, 1st degree burns can result at the treatment site. Rest assured, there have been no reported incidences where companies that produce pigments used at Ink’d Arch have ever resulted in adverse effects from MRI's.
As with all cosmetic procedures, individuals should not make their choices lightly. As always, it is recommend that clients do their research. To understand the service and compare different artists' work when making their decisions. A large amount of time is spent on facial mapping and measuring to style the brows/eyes/lips to the clients satisfaction prior to the treatment. Every effort will be made to achieve an even appearance, but please realize our faces are never perfectly symmetrical. All facial features are sisters, not twins (especially the eyes and brows). If an uneven appearance or pigment discoloration occurs during the healing process, it can most likely be corrected during the touch up session. Despite the name, permanent cosmetics are treatments that eventually fade over time if no additional touch ups are done.
Combination Brow

Combination Brow

Combined technique that applies hair strokes with shading to enhance, reshape, and/or create a soft shaded eyebrow. Suitable for most skin types. Variations of the combination brow are used depending on natural brow hair and desired result.

Details & Pricing
Powder Brow

Powder Brow

Mechanical technique that applies soft edge microshading to enhance, reshape, and/or create a shaded eyebrow. Styles vary from soft to bold depending on preference. Suitable for all amounts of natural brow hair and most skin types.

Details & Pricing


Manual technique where hair strokes are applied to the skin to enhance and define a natural looking eyebrow. Suitable for normal to dry skin types and produces the most natural results when performed on a naturally full eyebrow.

Details & Pricing
Lash Line Enhancement

Lash Line Enhancement

Mechanical technique that places pigment along and within the lash line to create the illusion of thicker, fuller lashes.

Details & Pricing
Lip Blushing

Lip Blushing

Mechanical technique that enhances the natural lip color to improve the shape of the lips and add definition and the illusion of fullness.

Details & Pricing


All services after the initial session to give a refreshed look and fill any gaps or faded areas. All refresh services are reserved for existing Ink'd Arch guests only.

Details & Pricing


Separate visit prior to an initial session appointment dedicated to discussing and determining which treatment(s) would be most suitable based on skin type, lifestyle, skincare and desired result. Separate consultations are best for those that are undecided about having any treatment(s) done. The consultation and the initial session would be two separate appointments.

Details & Pricing
Saline Lightening

Saline Lightening

Lightening of existing permanent cosmetic work or small body tattoos. For brows, this method is mainly used when the desired shape and/or color cannot be achieved with color and/or shape correction alone.

Details & Pricing

-J. Terban-Hertell

"The one thing I hear most often from my clients is that it's life changing, which is not a quote I thought I would hear when talking about eyebrows."


If you have previous permanent cosmetics, microblading and/or cosmetic tattooing from a previous artist, you must have the appointment pre-approved before scheduling. You can send clear photos of your bare brows in good lighting to 732-966-4312 or info@inkdarch.com. You can also schedule a separate consultation to see if they can be worked on. If approved, the appointment is a full service initial session. Additional correction fees may be added depending on the severity of each case.

Please be sure you are a suitable candidate for permanent cosmetics, obtain medical clearance if necessary, and are able to thoroughly follow all pre-care and after-care instructions before scheduling. This information can be found in the FAQ’s section.

  • A non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking any session to guarantee services. This will be applied to the service cost on the day of the appointment. Gift cards can NOT be applied for deposits.
  • Any appointment may be rescheduled ONE time. If the appointment needs to be rescheduled a second time, the original deposit will be forfeited and a new deposit will be required to schedule a new date. A cancellation and rebook for a new date is still considered a reschedule and will require a new deposit.
  • A cancellation is a forfeit of deposit. All cancellations/changes must be made up to 72 hours before the scheduled appointment date/time. If made after the 72 hours a 50% cancellation fee applies. Deposits cannot be transferred to another guest after a cancellation.
  • Any cancelled appointment will be rescheduled for the next available appointment date and time.
  • No Show/No Call appointments will be charged 100% of scheduled service cost.
  • Payment is due at time of service. All major credit/debit cards and cash are accepted. NO checks or payment apps accepted. All permanent cosmetics are subject to 6.625% NJ sales tax.
  • You must be at least 18 years of age to receive permanent cosmetics. As stated in the NJ state sanitary code 8:27-4.1, a government issued photographic identification is required at the time of the appointment to be photocopied and kept on file.
  • The duration of each session is listed with the service when booking. If you are unable to attend for the full appointment time, the service will not be completed and can not be rescheduled for another day. Please be sure to schedule accordingly.
  • Perfecting sessions must be completed within the designated time frame for the particular treatment from the initial or refresh session. After the designated time frame the perfecting session will be considered a refresh session and follow refresh session pricing.
  • Any services performed with an undisclosed existing condition(s) that would deem you an unsuitable candidate for permanent cosmetics are performed at your own risk. 
  • Ink'd Arch LLC reserves the right to refuse services to anyone that is considered an unsuitable candidate for permanent cosmetics.
  • Pricing is subject to change at any time without notice.


  • Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes early for your scheduled appointment time, as to not interfere with the prior appointment.
  • If you are more than 15 minutes late, your appointment will need to be rescheduled, as to not interfere with the following appointment.
  • Please be sure to bring your photo ID. As stated in the NJ state sanitary code 8:27-4.1: A government issued photographic identification is required at the time of the appointment to be photocopied and kept on file.
  • Music will be playing during the session, but please feel free to bring earbuds/headphones if you would prefer to listen to your own. This helps minimize any noise during the treatment and also discourages any talking, which causes your face and brows to move.
  • Shampoo your hair on the day of your appointment so you will not have to do so right after the treatment. Detailed instructions on showering and washing your hair will be thoroughly explained during your visit.
  • Dress comfortably. You will be laying down for a majority of the appointment.
  • If traveling via Garden State Parkway, exit 77 (north & south) is the most direct route of travel. The entrance to Suite 10 is located around the back of the building with parking available.

Please be sure to thoroughly read and review all listed policy information and all 'Frequently Asked Questions' to be sure that you are a suitable candidate for permanent cosmetics, how to properly prepare, and what is to be expected in the days and weeks following a permanent cosmetic treatment BEFORE scheduling. It is your full responsibility to thoroughly read, review and follow this information in a timely manner. If medical clearance is required, you must obtain a doctors note/approval for the treatment and bring it to the appointment to be kept on file. Failure to do so will result in cancellation fees. 


 When creating your Fresha account or logging into an existing one, please be sure to always select “NO” when asked if this is your first visit to Ink’d Arch. This is the only way to avoid the new client fee that Fresha adds to your service cost.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Wake up and don’t make up.

All gift cards/vouchers expire one year from the date of purchase.

Gift cards/vouchers can NOT be applied for the non-refundable booking deposit. If you would like to purchase a gift card to cover the full service amount, deduct the $100 booking deposit from the full service cost.

All permanent cosmetics are subject to 6.625% NJ sales tax.

Ink'd Arch LLC reserves the right to refuse services to anyone that is considered an unsuitable candidate for permanent cosmetics.

Pricing is subject to change at any time without notice.


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Credentials imageCredentials imageCredentials image
Interview with Greatist.com

Interview with Greatist.com


“For the inside scoop on all things microblading, we talked to New Jersey-based brow expert Dana McAndrew.”

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  • 769 Atlantic City Boulevard, Bayville, NJ, USA
  • Suite 10